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A Saucepan and a Wooden Spoon

Definitely the toddler's favourite.

A Squash Bottle Rattle

This has been known to please many an older child with learning difficulties. It is for the gentle ones, for plastic can shatter in the hands of a very strong child. Just put inside a collection of small noisemakers and glue on the lid. If there is the remotest chance of the child undoing the stopper, go for edible contents like a few grains of uncooked rice and some pasta. For a child of known habits it is possible to be more adventurous and insert sequins, tiny buttons, scraps of ribbon etc. For a child with small hands try a smaller half litre water bottle.

A Bell Shaker

This can make a useful noisemaker for a child with hand function problems. Its foundation is a handle (sold in pairs at a craft shop) normally used for attaching to a home-made work bag. Simply drill a few holes along the lower edge and attach some large and noisy bells (also from a craft shop).


These are cheap and easy to make. Just saw off lengths of broomstick and sandpaper the rough edges. They are sometimes very useful in encouraging a child to use both hands.
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A Saucepan and a Wooden Spoon

A Squash Bottle Rattle

A Bell Shaker