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Play Helps
A Strong Pop-up Dolly
Made carefully, this toy is robust, and can even be chewed by a toddler!

You Need

  • A wooden spoon with a LONG handle.
  • A cardboard or plastic cone from a spool of wool used on a knitting machine.
  • A small piece of THIN fabric for the dress.
  • Thicker fabric to cover the cone.
  • Scraps of trimming for decoration and flesh-coloured felt for the hands.
  • A strong adhesive (PVA used liberally!).
  • Needle and thread.


  1. Paint a face on the bowl of the spoon. Use non-toxic paint.
  2. From the thin fabric, cut out the dress in the shape of a fat letter T. Make sure that when the sides are stitched up the bottom of the dress will fit round the top of the cone.
  3. With right sides together, sew up the side seams and turn right side out.
  4. Cut out two felt hands.
  5. Turn in the ends of the sleeves and sew the hands in place.
  6. Make a tiny neck opening in the top of the dress.
  7. Poke the handle of the wooden spoon (paint now dry!) through the hole.
  8. Glue and tie the dress tightly round the neck.
  9. Pass the end of the handle down through the upturned cone and out through the hole in the bottom.
  10. Hold the bottom of the dress round the lip of the cone and check that the spoon will pop up and down successfully.
  11. If no adjustment is needed, glue and bind the bottom of the dress tightly to the lip of the cone.
  12. Cover the cone with the thicker material.
  13. Glue and stitch trimming round the neck (to hide the binding) and round the top and bottom of the come.
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A Strong Pop-up Dolly